Sylvaroad rejuvenating agent’s dosage based on rheological properties of aged asphalt Binder




Performance grade, Rejuvenating agent, Asphalt binder, Reclaimed asphalt pavement


The technique of using rejuvenating agents (RA) to recover aged binders’ properties has still a lot to develop since the RA amount directly affects binders’ performance on rutting and fatigue, main factors of pavement degradation. This research evaluated dosage methods of RA Sylvaroad RP1000 in a service-aged binder, based on rheological parameters. The binder was extracted from Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) using centrifugation and rotoevaporation. Samples with 0, 3, 5, 7, and 10% RA were produced and subjected to Rolling Thin Film Oven Test (RTFOT) and rheological tests on the Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR). The optimum dosage was assessed, based on virgin binder High-temperature Performance Grade (PGH). Susceptibility parameters to fatigue and rutting were also measured by Multiple Stress Creep and Recovery (MSCR) and Linear Amplitude Sweep (LAS) tests, respectively. Results showed that the RA was effective, and the dose able to recover virgin binder’s PGH was 10.6% of the aged binder mass. Non-recoverable compliance, stress recovery rate and fatigue damage tolerance results showed this content would lead to satisfactory and superior results to those of the virgin binder (50/70 penetration grade). However, a lower content would already be able to recover aged binder’s properties and improve its performance.


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How to Cite

Joenck, F. T., Bacca Couto Joenck, V., Villena Del Carpio, J. A., & Staub de Melo, J. V. (2024). Sylvaroad rejuvenating agent’s dosage based on rheological properties of aged asphalt Binder. Transportes, 32(2).


