Asphalt mixture design related to performance: a literature review




Dosagem. Mistura asfáltica. Dosagem balanceada. Desempenho.


Since the first applications of asphalt mixtures as constituent materials for pavement layers in the late 19th century, there has been a need to adopt a methodology to define the appropriate proportions of each component in the mixture, in a process known as mix design. Currently, design methodologies are generally based solely on volumetric parameters, which does not allow for the evaluation of material performance. This paper presents a review of past, present, and future trends in asphalt mixture design, considering different methods developed in the pursuit of generating mixtures that are more resistant to the ever-increasing demands of traffic. Aspects related to current design methodologies and their limitations, the concept and current work on balanced mixtures, as well as a summary of the main performance tests for asphalt mixtures are evaluated. The review results indicate a clear evolution towards design procedures that combine volumetrics and performance, promoting the most suitable selection of materials and their combinations, as well as optimizing the service life of asphalt mixtures in the field. However, the research highlights significant gaps, such as the need for experimental studies to validate new design methods and the integration of more advanced performance tests. These gaps represent important opportunities for future experimental research that can contribute to innovation and efficiency in asphalt mixture design.


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How to Cite

Lamha Rocha, M., Aragão, F. T. S., & Herrmann do Nascimento, L. A. (2024). Asphalt mixture design related to performance: a literature review. Transportes, 32(3), e2905.


