Environmental vulnerability assessment for pre-selecting areas for waterway terminals implementation using AHP
Environmental vulnerability. River terminals. Waterway. Environmental assessment. AHP.Abstract
The aim of this article is to present an expedited methodology for assessing the environmental vulnerability of areas designated for the implementation of waterway terminals. Environmental studies involve numerous variables, and their relative weighting is highly complex. Existing methodologies often require extensive data collection, resulting in significant costs and time commitments. To address this, we propose a hierarchical environmental assessment procedure based on public and easily accessible data, facilitating the pre-selection of locations for more detailed subsequent studies. The motivation for this study was to balance development with environmental preservation through an expedited model, given that economic and logistical criteria are commonly prioritized based on regional market expectations. To achieve this, we employed the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method with expert judgment. The proposed procedure was applied to points suggested by the National Waterway Integration Plan (PNIH), published by the National Agency for Waterway Transportation (ANTAQ), for the implementation of waterway terminals on the Tietê River in the state of São Paulo. Our research revealed that near some points chosen by the PNIH (2013), there were areas classified as having very high environmental vulnerability and others with very low environmental vulnerability.
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