Analysis of delivery fee of instant delivery apps and the remuneration of couriers in Brazilian cities




Urban freight transport, Instant deliveries, Delivery fee, Remuneration


This paper aims to identify the relationship between the delivery fee of instant deliveries application and the remuneration of couriers in Brazilian cities. Data concerning delivery fees and the distance travelled were obtained from the main delivery applications for eight Brazilian cities: five capitals and three countryside cities. Linear regression was used to identify a relationship between the delivery fee and distance. The results showed a difference in the fixed-rate and the variable delivery fee between the cities. To obtain a basic remuneration, i.e. the minimum wage, the courier must work 44 hours a week, making at least one delivery per hour at 3 km. However, this workday can be strenuous if deliveries are made by non-motorised transport.


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How to Cite

Aragão de Mello, C. ., de Oliveira Carneiro, C. M. ., Alves Maia, M. L. ., de Oliveira, L. K., & Gonçalves Ferreira de Araújo, G. . (2022). Analysis of delivery fee of instant delivery apps and the remuneration of couriers in Brazilian cities. TRANSPORTES, 30(2), 2641.


