Synthetic population generation procedure based on Brazilian data




Synthetic population. Synthetic population generators. Population synthesizers. Entropy maximization.


This paper presents both a population synthesizer adapted to Brazil and its application to the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (RMSP). Synthetic populations are used in disaggregate travel demand models; they result from estimating unknown information at a fine geographical level based on available aggregated information and (a sample) of microdata, both made available by the Census. Considering the theoretical approaches and the availability of codes, we selected PopulationSim, synthesizer, belonging to the category of synthetic reconstruction synthesizers. An extension, called PopulationSimBR, was developed to facilitate the use of this synthesizer in different regions of Brazil. OD survey data files were used in addition to Census data for the application to the RMSP. Validation metrics show that results compare favorably to those reported in the literature and suggest that PopulationSim can be used in Brazil, as well as the synthetic population generated for the RMSP.


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How to Cite

Ajauskas, R., & Strambi, O. (2024). Synthetic population generation procedure based on Brazilian data. TRANSPORTES, 32(3), e2617.


