Evaluation of LD slag expansion effects on the mechanical behavior of asphalt mixtures subject to aging and moisture damage
Steel slag, Expansion, Aging, Moisture damageAbstract
Steel slag aggregates, such as Linz-Donawitz slag (LD), undergo volumetric expansions when subjected to heat and humidity. However, the asphalt binder might stabilize the LD expansion in hot mixture asphalt (HMA). This work aims to evaluate LD expansion effects on the mechanical behavior of HMA subject to aging and moisture damage. Four dense HMA were evaluated, one reference and three mixtures with 25% LD with different initial expansion. The mixtures were subjected to short- and long- term aging. Subsequently, compacted specimens were subjected to moisture induced damage and indirect tensile strength tests. Also, the expansion of aggregates extracted from HMA were evaluated. Mixtures with LD presented satisfactory mechanical results and even superior than mixtures produced without LD. It was also observed no significant difference in the expansion values between the aggregates extracted from the mixtures after conditioning indicating that LD expansion effects might have been stabilized.
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