Freight transport has historically inherited the passage transport framework and model assumptions. But, are all of them valid? This paper discusses one of the least discussed assumptions: the mutual exclusiveness of alternatives in the freight con-text. To do so, a Multiple Discrete Extreme Value Model (MDCEV) has been used to describe the behavior of grain consolidators with data from a stated preference survey that allowed multiple alternatives to be chosen simultaneously. The choice is de-scribed by the Travel Time, Lead Time, Price paid in the port and Freight Price. The MDCEV gave insights regarding the satiation behavior of the grain consolidators. This way, the MDCEV can become a valuable tool for modeling tactical and strategic choic-es.


  • Rodrigo Javier Tapia Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil
  • Ana Margarita Larranaga Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil
  • Helena Beatriz Cybis Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil
  • Gerard de Jong University of Leeds, West Yorkshire – Reino Unido



MDCEV. Freight Transport. Choice modelling.


Freight transport has historically inherited the passage transport framework and model assumptions. But, are all of them valid? This paper discusses one of the least discussed assumptions: the mutual exclusiveness of alternatives in the freight context. To do so, a Multiple Discrete Extreme Value Model (MDCEV) has been used to describe the behavior of grain consolidators with data from a stated preference survey that allowed multiple alternatives to be chosen simultaneously. The choice is described by the Travel Time, Lead Time, Price paid in the port and Freight Price. The MDCEV gave insights regarding the satiation behavior of the grain consolidators. This way, the MDCEV can become a valuable tool for modeling tactical and strategic choices.


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How to Cite

Tapia, R. J., Larranaga, A. M., Cybis, H. B., & de Jong, G. (2020). Freight transport has historically inherited the passage transport framework and model assumptions. But, are all of them valid? This paper discusses one of the least discussed assumptions: the mutual exclusiveness of alternatives in the freight con-text. To do so, a Multiple Discrete Extreme Value Model (MDCEV) has been used to describe the behavior of grain consolidators with data from a stated preference survey that allowed multiple alternatives to be chosen simultaneously. The choice is de-scribed by the Travel Time, Lead Time, Price paid in the port and Freight Price. The MDCEV gave insights regarding the satiation behavior of the grain consolidators. This way, the MDCEV can become a valuable tool for modeling tactical and strategic choic-es. TRANSPORTES, 28(4), 64–75.



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