Mathematical model and math-heuristic for the aircraft recovery problem


  • Fábio Emanuel de Souza Morais University of São Paulo, São Paulo – Brazil
  • Nicolau Dionísio Fares Gualda University of São Paulo, São Paulo – Brazil
  • Daniel Jorge Caetano University of São Paulo, São Paulo – Brazil



Flight schedule, Recovery problem, Math-heurístic, Linear Programming, Multi-commodity network flow


The aircraft recovery problem (ARP) arises when unexpected events such as storms, airport closures, and unscheduled aircraft maintenance cause delays and/or flight cancellations, dismantling the original aircraft schedule. This work initially presents a mathematical model for the recovery of an airline schedule. Given the NP-Hard nature of the problem, the mathematical model cannot solve large instances. It has led to the development of a two-part math-heuristic: a mixed-integer programming network flow model to obtain a new schedule with minimum flight cancellations and delays; and an integer linear programming model to minimize flight aircraft exchanges from the original schedule. Applications of the heuristic to instances with up to 470 flights presented, in less than one minute of processing, results differing less than 0.5% from the optimal results, which allows to conclude that the heuristic qualifies for application to real cases of considerable size.


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How to Cite

de Souza Morais, F. E. ., Gualda, N. D. F. ., & Caetano, D. J. (2021). Mathematical model and math-heuristic for the aircraft recovery problem. TRANSPORTES, 29(3), 2234.


