Characterization of brazilian asphalt emulsions based on the emulsion per-formance grade (EPG) protocol




Asphalt emulsion, Performance, Rheological parameters, Microsurfacing


The Emulsion Performance Grade - EPG specification indicates that distresses of preservation surface treatments which use asphalt emulsion have a direct relationship with the rheological parameters of the residual asphalt binder. Despite the importance of the asphalt emulsion in its applications, in Brazil the asphalt emulsion selection is empirical, and not based on the properties that relate directly to the field performance. The present work aims to evaluate the potential use of the main guidelines defined in the EPG protocol for microsurfacing. They were characterized as rheological properties of the asphalt residue of three Brazilian emulsions and their service performance was predicted with a methodology similar to the Superpave® specifications. In addition, the fresh emulsions were evaluated to determine viscosity and stability, which relates to constructability conditions. The application of the procedures and thresholds values of EPG led to the definition of the performance grade at high and low temperatures, consistent with the behavior expected according to the characteristics and purpose of the emulsions evaluated. Regarding viscosity and stability, although they are not classificatory parameters, all emulsions showed adequate behavior and are in agreement with the thresholds of the recent protocol.


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How to Cite

Álvarez, L. F. A. ., Gadler, F. ., Savasini, K. V. ., & Bernucci, L. L. B. . (2021). Characterization of brazilian asphalt emulsions based on the emulsion per-formance grade (EPG) protocol. TRANSPORTES, 29(1), 247–263.


