Effects of rejuvenating products on the physical, chemical and rheological behavior of an aged asphalt binder





Asphalt Binder. Rejuvenating. Paving.


Recycling is a topic that has been gaining enough space in various areas of engineering. When one reuses materials in civil construction works, there is an indirect contribution to the preservation of nature. Within this context, the recycling of asphalt layers is a subject that draws great interest but requires further study. This paper aims to study the effects of rejuvenating agents on aged asphalt binders, for their application in recycling of asphalt mixtures. The aged binder was initially extracted and then rejuvenating agents were added, i. e., a tar-based agent (RejuvaSeal) and shale-oil residues commercially designated as AR-5, AR-250 and AR-500, at percentages of 15, 20 and 25% by mass, in order to determine which content would be appropriate to recover the original characteristics of the binder. Among the many findings from this study is that the mixture containing 20% of AR-5 shows better behavior when compared to a new asphalt binder (CAP 50-70).


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Author Biographies

João Paulo Souza Silva, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiás – Brasil

Doutor em Geotecnia pela UnB

Professor do curso de Engenharia de Transportes UFG

Professor do curso de Engenharia Civil - UFG

Márcio Muniz de Farias, Universidade de Brasília, Distrito Federal – Brasil

Possui graduação em Engenharia Civil pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (1983), mestrado em Engenharia Civil pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (1986), doutorado na University of Wales at Swansea, UK (1993), pós-doutorado no Nagoya Institute of Technology-NIT, Japão (1998) e Especialidade em Projeto Rodoviário pela JICA, Japão (2000). É professor da Universidade de Brasília desde 1986, pesquisador nível PQ-1A do CNPq, membro do comitê editorial científico da revista nacional Pavimentação (ABPv-Brasil) e das internacionais Road Materials and Pavement Design-RMPD (Elsevier) e Underground Space (Taylor & Francis), foi membro dos comitês da revista binacional Geotecnia (Brasil/Portugal) até 2013 e da Soils and Foundations (Japanese Geotechnical Society) entre 2013 e 2015.


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How to Cite

Silva, J. P. S., & de Farias, M. M. (2020). Effects of rejuvenating products on the physical, chemical and rheological behavior of an aged asphalt binder. TRANSPORTES, 28(3), 91–102. https://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v28i3.1874


