Mechanical feasibility of using red mud as filler in asphalt mixtures to improve permanent deformation


  • Mayara Sarisariyama Siverio Lima Federal University of Santa Catarina
  • Liseane Padilha Thives Federal University of Santa Catarina. Civil Engineering Department



Red mud, Permanent deformation, Filler.


Red mud is a solid residue that results when bauxite ore is processed to obtain alumina (aluminum oxide –Al2O3), the main chemical compound to produce aluminum. Brazil has a wide reserve of bauxite in Pará State and the ore is processed in large scale. However, in the country red mud is stored inadequately in the environment. Pará is situated in northern region of Brazil and presents high temperature throughout the year. The elevated traffic volume and the high temperatures contributed to the early appearing of defects in the flexible asphalt pavement surfaces. This laboratory study aims the introduction of the red mud as filler in dense asphalt mixtures to improve the permanent deformation resistance. Asphalt mixtures with 3%, 5% and 7% of red mud (range between 0.02 to 2,800 micrometers) were produced. A conventional mixture with 7% stone powder filler (maximum diameter of 0.075 mm) was used as reference. Permanent deformation resistance of the mixtures was evaluated through French Rutting Tester. As a result, the mixture with 5% red mud presented better resistance that obtained at 30,000 cycles, 3.5% of rutting percentage depth. The asphalt mixtures with red mud presented good performance, with reduction of the permanent deformation of 12.63 to 42.62% in relation to reference mixture. Red mud as filler in asphalt mixtures is a viable option to reuse this waste, as well as being an environmentally friendly


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Author Biographies

Mayara Sarisariyama Siverio Lima, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Doctor degree student at PPGEC (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil)

Liseane Padilha Thives, Federal University of Santa Catarina. Civil Engineering Department

Associate Professor at Federal University of Santa Catarina. Research areas: asphalt pavements, solid wastes, fatigue, permanent deformation, rheology.


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How to Cite

Lima, M. S. S., & Thives, L. P. (2020). Mechanical feasibility of using red mud as filler in asphalt mixtures to improve permanent deformation. TRANSPORTES, 28(2), 1–13.