Taxas e modelos de geração de viagens para postos de combustíveis – estudo de caso em Florianópolis/SC


  • Mayara Orlandi Silva UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Lenise Grando Goldner UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Trip generation, Fuel station, Convenience store.


This study presents a research carried out in thirteen fuel stations in the city of
Florianópolis/SC, Brazil. Six of these stations are located at city downtown, and the remaining seven at important beaches. Traffic volume counts were realized over a 16-hour period at the main access points to these fuel stations. From the results analysis, trip generation rates were obtained according to the following variables: constructed area, number of fuel pumps and fueling position, and multiple linear regression models that indicated good correlation among independent variables, namely, total constructed area, convenience area and fuel price. Based on available literature accessed through a systematic and narrative bibliographic review, we compared the rates proposed in the study to the American scenario.  The study proposes to contribute to more comprehensive studies on fuel station trip generation, and to offer to transportation planners an important tool of impact evaluation of this type of enterprise.


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How to Cite

Orlandi Silva, M., & Grando Goldner, L. (2019). Taxas e modelos de geração de viagens para postos de combustíveis – estudo de caso em Florianópolis/SC. TRANSPORTES, 27(4), 36–50.


