Uma avaliação multiobjetivo de atendimentos de emergência com base na população, no número de ocorrências e na distância percorrida pelos veículos de resgate


  • Thayse Ferrari Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Bruno Salezze Vieira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Marcus Vinicius Oliveira Camara Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Glaydston Mattos Ribeiro Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Carlos David Nassi Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Rescue vehicles dispatch, Facility location, Maximum coverage.


Emergency Medical Services are considered critical elements of modern healthcare systems, because they need to ensure that the level of service is appropriate for the population served. In this sense, Facility Location Problems have been applied in order to indicate strategic locations for ambulance dispatch bases that respond to emergency calls. The objective of this study is to carry out a multiobjective evaluation of the emergency response to variations, using mathematical model, which considers the population served, the number of emergence calls and the distance travelled by the emergency vehicles. Scenarios are created to allow variations in the response time, number of dispatch bases and number of emergency vehicles available for service. A case study for the Rio de Janeiro city is presented to show our multiobjective approach. About of 105 thousands records were considered, including general and traffic accidents occurrences.


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How to Cite

Ferrari, T., Vieira, B. S., Camara, M. V. O., Ribeiro, G. M., & Nassi, C. D. (2018). Uma avaliação multiobjetivo de atendimentos de emergência com base na população, no número de ocorrências e na distância percorrida pelos veículos de resgate. TRANSPORTES, 26(3), 145–158.



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