Um procedimento para alocação de locomotivas a trens de carga


  • Sérgio Luiz da Silva Cassemiro Instituto Militar de Engenharia
  • Renata Albergaria de Mello Bandeira Instituto Militar de Engenharia
  • Ulisses Bento da Silva MRS Logística



Rail transport, Locomotive, Allocation.


This article introduces an allocation procedure for different locomotives in different types of cargo trains. It presents a step by step procedure with all the necessary information and required data. In the final step, it presents an optimization model to minimize the operational costs of the locomotives. The cost reduction model focuses on fuel consumption (energy efficiency) and maintenance costs. The paper also presents a practical application based on a Brazilian cargo railway company data, demonstrating the potential benefits in energy efficiency, maintenance costs reduction and other indirect gains.


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How to Cite

Cassemiro, S. L. da S., Bandeira, R. A. de M., & da Silva, U. B. (2020). Um procedimento para alocação de locomotivas a trens de carga. TRANSPORTES, 28(1), 1–17.


