An exact model for airline flight network optimization based on transport momentum and aircraft load factor




Air transportation, Schedule generation, Fleet assignment, Linear programming.


The problem of airline flight network optimization can be split into subproblems such as Schedule Generation (SG) and Fleet Assignment (FA), solved in consecutive steps or in an integrated way, usually based on monetary costs and revenue forecasts. A linear pro­gramming model to solve SG and FA in an integrated way is presented, but with an al­ternative approach based on transport momentum and aircraft load factor. This alterna­tive approach relies on demand forecast and allows obtaining solutions considering min­imum average load factors. Results of the proposed model applications to instances of a regional Brazilian airline are presented. The comparison of the schedules generated by the proposed approach against those obtained by applying a model based on mone­tary costs and revenue forecasts demonstrates the validity of this alternative approach for airlines network planning.


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Author Biography

Daniel Jorge Caetano, Universidade de São Paulo

Graduated in Civil Engineering (2002), MA (2005) and Ph.D. (2011) in Transport Engineering, all of them obtained at Universidade de São Paulo. Currently he works as a professor at Centro Universitario Estácio de São Paulo and guest professor at Escola Politécnica da USP post-graduate program. He also works as a systems analyst at SIBi/USP. Besides the transportation and operational research focus, he has a background in computer science, with emphasis on Software Engineering, acting on the following topics: air transportation and urban transit optimization, programming and development of algorithms, programming in machine language for embedded systems and development of AJAX interfaces and electronic games.


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How to Cite

Caetano, D. J., & Gualda, N. D. F. (2017). An exact model for airline flight network optimization based on transport momentum and aircraft load factor. TRANSPORTES, 25(4), 14–26.


