Generación de viajes de emprendimientos residenciales: estudio de casos en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina


  • Jorge Jose Galarraga FCEFyN - Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Argentina
  • Lucia Bordese FCEFyN - Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Argentina



Generation rates, Residential facilities, Sustainable urban mobility.


It is estimated that approximately 80% of all trips made in a city have their origin or destination in the home. Therefore, knowledge of the generation of this type of travel is important to move towards a sustainable urban mobility. The paper considers two different environments with their models and rates of generation: low-density residential facilities, con-sisting of isolated houses and with little access to public transport, and apartments with high density, better access to public transport and more diverse use of the soil. Based on the study of 9 cases in the city of Cordoba, Argentina, it has been characterized the generation of travel by car and on foot, obtaining important differences between the two environments studied.


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Author Biography

Jorge Jose Galarraga, FCEFyN - Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Argentina

Profesor Titular Plenario


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How to Cite

Galarraga, J. J., & Bordese, L. (2017). Generación de viajes de emprendimientos residenciales: estudio de casos en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina. TRANSPORTES, 25(1), 21–30.


