Special Issue in the “Transportes” – Decision Analysis in Transportation 2025


This special issue seeks empirical contributions on applying decision analysis in Transportation Engineering. We are interested in new models, methods, or approaches involving (multicriteria) decision analysis to address complex transportation issues. We aim to investigate how the decision analysis approach can contribute to resolving these intricate problems.


Guest Editors:

Prof. José Geraldo Vidal Vieira
Federal University of São Carlos – UFSCar/Brazil
E-mail: jose-vidal@ufscar.br

Prof. Josiane Palma Lima
Federal University of Itajubá – UNIFEI/Brazil



Jose Geraldo Vidal Vieira is a full professor at the Federal University of São Carlos, where he is responsible for the subjects Information Systems and Decision Analysis in the undergraduate program, and Logistics and Multicriteria Decision Analysis in the graduate program. He devotes his research efforts to developing and implementing data collection methods for decision-making, as well as applying multivariate statistical methods and multi-criteria decision analysis across a wide range of fields. His expertise includes solutions for urban logistics, last-mile logistics, and distribution of goods in slum areas. He has contributed to numerous national and international journals as an author and reviewer, with a particular focus on transportation.


Josiane Palma Lima is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Itajubá. She is responsible for the subjects of Operational Research and Transport Planning at the undergraduate level and Decision Analysis with Multicriteria Approach in the graduate program. The research area involves modeling transport problems using Multicriteria Decision Analysis, Spatial Analysis, and other decision support tools applied to Urban Mobility, Accessibility, and Sustainable Transport. She has contributed as an author and reviewer to numerous national and international journals in the Transport area.


Special issue detailed information:

Decision Analysis is a science area that provides theoretical foundations and a set of methods for dealing with complex and multi-objective problems in situations of uncertainty, often involving a group of decision-makers. Therefore, methods based on decision analysis may contribute to decision-making in various areas of transport engineering, such as transport infrastructure, transport planning and operations, and spatial information.

Furthermore, we are in a digital world, in social networks and mobile solutions that promote a vast amount of data, increasingly used in systems based on artificial intelligence. Such data, information, and knowledge are considered critical issues for the performance of organizations, especially when dealing with many multi-criteria decision-making procedures in which there is a set of criteria, alternatives, and scenarios to be considered in a decision-making process.

In this special edition of Transportes Journal, we encourage the submission of research on recent advances in the application of methods for decision-making in Transportation, primarily (hybrid) models, tools to support decision-making in Transportation, and the development and use of multi-criteria systems for decision support in Transportation. These applications must use information about the context of the decision-maker (s) and the situation/environment in which the decision is made.

Research submissions are expected in the various areas of Transport Engineering, whether in the form of case studies, data collection (survey), simulation of transport systems, optimization methods, or computational systems that involve the policy-maker(s)( es) in decision-making in Transportation.


Topic areas of interest, not limited to them:

  • Modeling of complex problems in Transportation by using Multi-Criteria Analysis;
  • Applications of Multicriteria Decision Analysis Methods in Transportation;
  • Modeling and applications of methods involving certainty, uncertainty, or risk in Transportation;
  • Methods based on Fuzzy Logic, Expert Systems, and other intelligent systems applied to the Transport area;
  • Multicriteria Group Decision problems in the transport area;
  • Multicriteria Spatial Analysis applied to the transport area;
  • Mathematical or simulation modeling (discrete or continuous) combined with multi-criteria to solve problems in Transportation;
  • Modeling of resource allocation problems combined with multi-criteria in the transport area;
  • Planning and analysis of scenarios (probabilistic/non-probabilistic) applied to the transport area;


Review process:

The review process will follow the format and guidelines of the Transportes Journal. Then, a multistage review process will ensure that the special issue obtains the best combination of articles based on applications of decision analysis methods in Transportation Engineering. Potential manuscripts will be submitted through the journal submission system by the official deadline below. All papers submitted will be subject to an initial screening by the editorial team. Submissions deemed suitable will then be sent to the journal’s regular review.


Submission Open Date: 17/04/2024.

Final Manuscript Submission Deadline: 02/12/2024.