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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor has been submitted to another journal or conference for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). Ideally, submissions previously published in conferences (ANPET, PANAM etc.) are expected to have been improved and include new content, unless the authors have received an invitation from the conference organizers to submit the paper. Invited conference papers must be submitted in the appropriate section (e.g., Invited papers from the ANPET Conference).

  • The submission file has been prepared using Microsoft Word (docx) and is smaller than 12 MB and this file contains all parts (as weel as figures and tables) of the manuscript.

    Supplementary materials are additional files that might be useful for the readers, such as spreadsheets with data, data collection questionnaires, short videos and the similar. Do not include appendices to the paper or any other files as supplemental materials.

  • To ensure a blind review, all and any form of author identification has been removed from the file, including those from metadata/properties fields. Additional instructions about how to remove author identification from the file properties are avaliable in this page.

  • The manuscript must follow the Harvard style of referencing. Do not cite any reference that would not readily available to readers (e.g., private communication, unpublished material etc.) and make sure that hyperlinks to references work at the time of paper submission. Include DOIs for journal articles.
  • The manuscript complies with all of the following format requirements:

    • The length of the submission (including title and references) is less than 8,000 words. Each figure or table corresponds to 200 words.
    • The title is no longer than 140 characters.
    • The text is 1.5-line spaced.
    • The text was set usingTimes New Roman 12 point.
    • All margins are 25 mm (1 in).
    • The text employs italics, rather than underlining.
    • All figures and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate locations, rather than at the end.
    • All figures (graphs, plots, etc.) must be of high quality, in vector format (wmf, svg, eps etc.); any figure in raster format must have high resolution (600 dpi or more for maps or lineart, 200 dpi or more for photos).
    • Footnotes and endnotes are not allowed.
    • All tables must be editable in MS Word. Please check recent articles to see how tables are set.
    • Equations were created using MS Word, MathType or Microsoft Equation Editor.
    • All tables and figures must have a caption and must be numbered consecutively.
    • Displayed equations must be numbered consecutively.
  • None of the authors have three other manuscripts currently under review. Should any of the authors have three manuscripts under review, this manuscript will be summarily returned to the authors and not sent to review until all authors satisfy this condition.
  • The authors agree with the payment of a publication fee, to be charged only if the manuscript is accepted for publication, at the of the peer-review process. The publication fee is

    • R$ 700,00 (seven hundred reais), for papers published in Portuguese; and
    • R$ 500,00 (five hundred reais), for papers published in English.

    The publication fee will be waived for those papers whose authors are  at the moment of the final acceptance for publication, are ANPET members in good standing regarding the annual dues. The same applies for papers with N − 1  (all but one) authors being ANPET members in good standing.

    ANPET will contact the authors after the final acceptance for publication to arrange for the payment of the publication fee. The publication of the manuscript will be scheduled only after the payment of the publication fee.

Author Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts related to all fields of Transportation Engineering. Manuscripts are expected to contain all parts that scientific papers usually have; there are several manuals available on the internet that may help.

Submissions will only be accepted into the manuscript management system if they comply with all items in the submission preparation checklist.



Análise de Decisão em Transportes 2025

Tópicos de interesse, mas não limitados a estes:

  • Modelagem de Problemas Complexos de Transportes por meio do uso de Análise Multicritério;
  • Aplicações de Métodos de Análise de Decisão Multicritério em Transportes;
  • Modelagem e Aplicações de Métodos Envolvendo Certeza, Incerteza ou Risco;
  • Métodos baseados em Lógica Fuzzy, Sistemas Especialistas e outros sistemas inteligentes aplicados à área de Transportes;
  • Problemas Multicritério de Decisão em Grupo na área de transportes;
  • Análise Espacial Multicritério aplicada à área de transportes;
  • Modelagem matemática ou de simulação (discreta ou contínua) combinados com multicritério;
  • Modelagem de alocação de recursos combinados com multicritério na área de transporte;
  • Planejamento e análise de cenários (probabilísticos/não-probabilísticos) aplicados à área de transporte.

Artigos convidados do congresso da ANPET

Iinvited papers from the ANPET Annual Conference

Artigos Vencedores do Prêmio ANPET Produção Científica

Articles that have been awarded the ANPET Prize and have been invited for publication in this journal, in a special issue.


Articles of scientific and technical character related to any of the fields of Transportation Engineering that have not been previously published and have not been submitted to any other journal or conference.


Serve apenas para o editorial do fascículo.

Best papers from SITRAER 2022

Papers from SITRAER 2022 that have been invited to be submitted to TRANSPORTES for consideration for publication in a special section of the journal

Special issue for selected papers from the 2018 ISAP Conference

Invited papers from ISAP 2018 which will be published in a special issue.

Special issue on Air Transportation

Papers submitted to publication in a special number on Air Transportation

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Names and email addresses submitted to this site will be used exclusively for services provided by Transportes or by ANPET.