Transporte rodoviário de gás natural liquefeito: um estudo de simulação em Mato Grosso, Brasil


  • Dorival Suriano dos Santos Júnior Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo – Brasil
  • Anna Luisa Abreu Netto Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo – Brasil
  • Drielli Peyerl Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo – Brasil
  • Denis Martins Fraga Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo – Brasil
  • Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos Instituto de Energia e Ambiente - Universidade de São Paulo



Transporte rodoviário, Transporte de energia, Gás Natural Liquefeito, Brasil


O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar a viabilidade do transporte de Gás Natural Liquefeito (GNL) por caminhão no estado de Mato Grosso (MT), Brasil, comparando os custos de substituição de outras fontes energéticas para o Gás Natural (GN) boliviano e estimando o potencial mercado disponível nas cinco mesoregiões do estado. Os resultados do estudo mostram que existe um mercado potencial de GN de 2,1 MMm3/dia a um custo competitivo em comparação com os combustíveis avaliados. O GNL transportado por estrada demonstrou ser mais vantajoso do que energia elétrica e diesel. Por outro lado, os custos do óleo combustível foram ligeiramente mais baixos do que os custos do GN. Esta simulação pode servir de inspiração para aumentar a utilização do GNL em pequena escala por estrada em estados ou países com características semelhantes, especialmente aqueles com a possibilidade de fornecimento constante de GN e rede limitada de gasodutos.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Dorival Suriano dos Santos Júnior, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo – Brasil

Dorival Santos holds a Master's degree in Energy Science from the Institute of Energy and Environment of the University of São Paulo and a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), where he received the Merit Award for Scientific Initiation at the VI Brazilian Congress of Chemical Engineering. PhD candidate of Energy (2020-in progress), at Institute of Energy and Environment, University of São Paulo (USP). He has over 10 years of experience in the mining and energy industry in the areas of feasibility study, new business development, FEL Methodology, project management and environmental management system. He currently works as a researcher at the Gas Innovation Research Center (RCGI) - Energy Economics and Policy Program, where he has been developing papers related to natural gas.

Anna Luisa Abreu Netto, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo – Brasil

Degree in Law (2007-2011) from Salvador University (UNIFACS). MBA in Business Administration (2015-2016) from Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). Master’s degree in Administration (2016-2018) from Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). PhD student of Environmental Science (2019-in progress), at Institute of Energy and Environment, University of São Paulo (USP) with the theme related to public perception of climate change. Since 2015, she participates in the Governance for Sustainability Research Group, studying mainly about public perception of Carbon Capture and Storage. Currently, she is part of the editorial secretary of the scientific journal “Ambiente & Sociedade” and part of the project Latino Adapta. She is also member of the project 26 of Research Center for Gas and Inovation, which evaluates small LNG and CNG supply options for transportation to off-grid locations.

Drielli Peyerl, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo – Brasil

Degree in History (2007) and in Geography (2012) by the University of Ponta Grossa. Master Degree in Geography - Territory Management (2010). PhD in Science by the University of Campinas (2014), with the theme related to Petroleum in Brazil between 1864 and 1968. During 2014 and 2017, she concluded her Postdoctoral in Scientific and Technological Research by the University of Campinas, and was visiting scholar/researcher in the Oklahoma State University, United States, from August 2015 to July 2016 (BEPE/FAPESP), teaching in the course of Energy History. Between September and November of 2017, she was Residential Fellow at Linda Hall Library, United States, working on Energy Transition, Technique, Environment and History, with the project entitled Cornucopia project: The Hunger for Energy Resources in South America. During this same period, she was a guest lecturer in the History of Energy at the University of Missouri / Kansas City. In 2018, she was appointed and elected board member of the Petroleum History Institute of the United States. She concluded her second postdoctoral in 2018, in the Scientific Division of Environmental Management, Science and Technology - Institute of Energy and Environment, University of São Paulo, working on the topic of energy transition. Currently, she is a Young Researcher/Collaborating Researcher at the Institute of Energy and Environment and Research Center for Gas Innovation, University of São Paulo, coordinating the project Transitions in the History of Energy: development and new perspectives on natural gas in Brazil, financed by Foundation for Research Support of São Paulo (FAPESP – Process 2017/18208-8 and 2018/26388-9). She has worked in the areas of energy transition, history of energy and technology, public policies.

Denis Martins Fraga, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo – Brasil

Master's degree in Energy Science from the University of São Paulo, with an exchange at the IFP School, France, for extension in the area of oil and natural gas economics. He has a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University Center of FEI (2008), a postgraduate latu sensu in oil and gas from COPPE/UFRJ (2014). He has 8 years of experience in the oil and gas sector, including project development, business development, gas supplies and equity investments. He is currently a PhD student at Imperial College.

Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos, Instituto de Energia e Ambiente - Universidade de São Paulo

Degree in Economics (1990) and in Electrical Engineering (1988) from the University of São Paulo. Masters in Energy Management and Policy (University of Pennsylvania; 1993) and in Energy Systems Planning (State University of Campinas; 1992). PhD in Energy Economics from the French Petroleum Institute and the Université de Bourgogne (1997). He is currently an associate professor at the Institute of Energy and Environment of the University of São Paulo (IEE-USP). Since March/2019 he is a Scientific Productivity Scholarship Category 2 of CNPq. Since January 2016 he coordinates the Energy Economics and Policies Program of the Research Center for Gas Innovation [RCGI/USP - Centro de Pesquisa, Inovação e Difusão do Conhecimento, CEPID, jointly founded by FAPESP and SHELL BRASIL (FAPESP Proc. 2014/50279-4)]; and, since January 2017, coordinates the FINEP Project (no. 01.14.0215.00) / FUSP (no. 3060) - Support to the Non-Conventional Gas R&D Network in Brazil (REDE TEMÁTICA GASBRAS). Since November 2017 he chairs the Post-Graduation Commission of the Energy and Environment Institute of USP. He develops research and teaching activities with emphasis on Energy Economics and Policies. He acts as an independent advisor and consultant to research and development agencies, companies, governmental and non-governmental agencies. He is the coordinator of the Human Resources Training Program in Oil and Natural Gas at IEE-USP (PRH-04, with financial support from the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency - ANP - and Petrobras). He also coordinates the International Academic Cooperation Agreement between IEE/USP and IFP SCHOOL, France. Representative of IEE/USP and Member of the Management Committee of the Fellowship Program maintained between the University of São Paulo and Imperial College of London (under the sponsorship of SHELL BRAZIL): Fostering capability in gas futures research via PhD scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships. President 2014/2016 of the Brazilian Association of Energy Studies AB3E; and President 2011/2012 of the Brazilian Society of Energy Planning SBPE.


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Como Citar

dos Santos Júnior, D. S. ., Abreu Netto, A. L., Peyerl, D. ., Fraga, D. M., & dos Santos, E. M. . (2021). Transporte rodoviário de gás natural liquefeito: um estudo de simulação em Mato Grosso, Brasil. Transportes, 29(3), 2450.


