Evaluation of the addition of recycled asphalt pavement materials in granular layers for asphalt pavement base
Recycling. Triaxial Tests. Resilient Modulus. Permanent Deformation. MeDiNa.Abstract
Pavement recycling makes it possible to reuse milled materials as inputs for new structures. This practice contributes to sustainable development, reducing waste generation and stone aggregates consumption. Cold recycling methods, without the use of stabilizing additives, as asphalt emulsion or cement, with the incorporation of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) materials into granular layers, are an economically and environmentally attractive possibility. Therefore, in this study, different mixtures produced with the addition of RAPs in unbound granular material with rhyodacite stony aggregates were evaluated, using triaxial tests with repeated loads and prediction models within the National Method for pavement design from Brazil (MeDiNa). The results demonstrated a significant increase in the resilient modulus generated of the mixtures with the addition of RAPs, promoting stress relief and delaying the fatigue cracking of the top layer. In permanent deformation tests, the results varied depending on stress level. However, for structures analyzed, the deformations did not exceed 10mm when only RAP material was used in the base layer. Therefore, under the conditions of this research, the addition of RAPs materials in granular layers promoted a better estimated performance for the pavements, delaying cracking, without presenting excessive deformations. Thus, it is concluded that this practice is capable of producing technical, economic and environmental benefits for pavements constructions. However, each case must be analyzed considering its specificities and available materials.
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