Evaluating Cumulative Damage Factor (CDF) of 20 Brazilian Airfield Pavement structures using FAARFIELD and BAKFAA





Airport, Flexible pavements , Cumulative Damage Factor , FAARFIELD, Backanalysis


There is a growing concern regarding the structural integrity of Brazilian airport pavements. This concern arises from the fact that they were originally designed to accommodate lighter aircraft during an era of lower traffic. However, with the substantial increase in air traffic and the introduction of heavier aircraft, compounded by the aging infrastructure predominantly built between the 1950s and 1970s, these pavements are now confronted with significant challenges. This research involves collecting data on aircraft characteristics, traffic patterns, and pavement layer properties to update information on the pavement life service of existing Brazilian airfield pavements. Research involves the analysis of determine the Cumulative Damage Factor (CDF) of 20 Brazilian airport runways pavement. Backanalysis of deflection basins obtained from Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD) tests is conducted using the BAKFAA software. The FAARFIELD software is then employed to calculate the CDF, incorporating the latest information on aircraft mix and pavement conditions. The study reveals that 65% of the analyzed airport pavements consist of 4 structural layers, with 50% of the structures composed of cement-treated base course layers. Notably, 11 airports exhibit a CDF less than 0.01, suggesting potential overdesigned of pavements for existing aircraft movement. Boa Vista Airport/RR (SBBV) stands out with a CDF of 1.5, prompting recommendations for actions to mitigate pavement degradation. The findings offer valuable insights for future actions, maintenance strategies, and recommendations for the construction of new airports.


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How to Cite

Santilli, S. R., & Correia, N. de S. (2024). Evaluating Cumulative Damage Factor (CDF) of 20 Brazilian Airfield Pavement structures using FAARFIELD and BAKFAA. TRANSPORTES, 32(2). https://doi.org/10.58922/transportes.v32i2.2973


