Truck load on Brazilian federal toll highways




Vehicle Weighing, Truck Overload, Pavement Design


Even though vehicle weighing stations collect data almost 24/7 in Brazil, the amount of information available on the actual load levels of the country's truck fleet is limited. When carrying out adequate weighing campaigns for pavement design or analysis is unmanageable, considerations are made regarding the loading of the fleet, which does not always adequately portray the actual truck weights. Thus, this research analyzed weighing data from more than 30 million vehicles between 2015 and 2020 over nine Brazilian sites, located along federal toll highways in the South and Southeast regions, to investigate and portray truck load levels observed in the country’s fleet, as well as any particularities intrinsic to Brazilian cargo transport, to establish metrics to guide highway projects in the country. Therefore, data science tools were used to propose a load level model inline to the Brazilian state of the practice. The proposed model yielded satisfactory results when compared to the actual observed values, with determination coefficients between 0.95 and 0.99, and reveals itself as a viable alternative to the arbitrary load distributions commonly utilized in the country.


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How to Cite

Falck Grimm, H., & Antônio Teixeira Brito, L. (2023). Truck load on Brazilian federal toll highways. TRANSPORTES, 31(1), e2849.



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