Effects of the 1978 airline deregulation act on aircraft industry measured by entropy statistics





Aicraft design, Entropy statistics, Air transportation


There are plenty of articles and essays concerning the effects of the 1978 Deregulation Act on aviation but almost none of them addresses the impacts on the aircraft industry and the waves of immigration that took place due to cheaper airfares. The present work proposes an innovative methodology, based on the entropy statistics theory, to analyze the impact of the 1978 Airline deregulation effects on jet airliners design. The airplane database used for this task is comprised of 121 jet airliners since the 1950s and it is evident the effect of the Deregulation on design diversity close after it came into force. A special analysis of the regional sector of line aviation, i.e., the regular transportation of passengers is also carried out here. Besides, the application of the Euclidean distance for the calculation of diffusion and convergence indexes and its result is analyzed in the present work.


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How to Cite

Silva de Mattos, B. ., Tavares Guerreiro Fregnani, J. A. ., & Takachi Tomita, J. . (2022). Effects of the 1978 airline deregulation act on aircraft industry measured by entropy statistics . TRANSPORTES, 30(2), 2594. https://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v30i2.2594


