Influence of bonding condition between layers on overlay design of flexible pavements




Adhesion, Reinforcement, MeDiNa, Flexible pavement


The interface bonding conditions between the pavement layers is one of the main factors influencing the performance of the pavement structure. The present paper analyzes the effects of the interface conditions between the layers on the process of overlay design in flexible pavements. The data were collected by deflection testing using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and by drilling cores. Simulations were performed in the software BackMeDiNa, MeDiNa and AEMC for three different conditions of interface between the layers. The data of backcalculated moduli, overlay thicknesses, cracked area and fatigue damage were compared under different bonding conditions. In most of the simulations, backcalculated moduli in the de-bonding condition were higher than ones in the full-bonding between the layers. For the overlay design, the modular sets obtained from the different interface conditions led a slight difference in the thickness of the new asphalt layer (reinforcement), but with higher percentages of cracked area for the structures with full-bonding condition. In the analysis of the fatigue damage, the results showed that the damage obtained with the full-bonding layers was higher than that one obtained with de-bonding interfaces and the bonding between the surface and base layers.


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How to Cite

Rocha, M. L. ., Marques, G. L. de O. ., Silva, R. C., & Motta, L. M. G. (2021). Influence of bonding condition between layers on overlay design of flexible pavements . TRANSPORTES, 29(2), 2419.


