An investigation of trip-chaining behaviour based on activity participation, socioeconomic variables and aggregated characteristics of modal alternatives




Trip-Chaining, Activity-based approach, Revealed Preference Survey, CART algorithm


This study investigates the individual trip-chaining behaviour for a sample of workers considering activity participation and socioeconomic characteristics. It proposes the inclusion of aggregated travel mode characteristics obtained from the Classification and Regression Tree (CART) algorithm and Origin-Destination (OD) Survey (Revealed Preference data RP) using data from São Paulo city, collected in 2007. Specifically, it proposes to: (1) classify individuals into clusters that have similar trip-chaining patterns; (2) perform a characterisation of modal alternatives from RP data; (3) propose an auxiliary criterion for formulating the Multinomial Logit model and reducing the number of parameters to be estimated; and (4) measure the improvement of estimates by including alternative characteristics (average travel times). Thus, this paper is associated with the following research gaps (1) the absence of data, associated to alternatives in an RP survey; (2) the lack of a criterion for utility function composition for the case of a large set choices; and (3) modelling based on the activity-based approach. Taking into account the findings, the feasibility of the proposed methodological procedure was verified  despite of the technique constraints. Additionally, the model improved by including the alternative variables and corroborated relationships based on the literature.


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How to Cite

Gomes, V. A. ., Caldas, M. U. de C., & Souza Pitombo, C. (2021). An investigation of trip-chaining behaviour based on activity participation, socioeconomic variables and aggregated characteristics of modal alternatives. TRANSPORTES, 29(1), 173–193.


