Modelling the operations of a hinterland container terminal to maximize the contribution margin


  • Patrícia Aparecida Bilinski Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina – Brasil
  • Cassiano Augusto Isler Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo – Brasil
  • Gustavo Costa Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo – Brasil



Hinterland terminal. Containers. Contribution margin.


The facilities specialized in container management, also known as hinterland terminals, have emerged to facilitate the competitiveness of the container ports in the global market. This paper proposes an integer linear mathematical programming model to determine the optimal number of operations of a hinterland terminal that maximizes its profit from the perspective of maximum financial return. The model considers different operations in specific areas of a terminal and multiple products in different categories of containers over a planning horizon. Different scenarios were specified in the context of a hinterland terminal in Itapoá-SC. The maximum profit occurs by separating the commodity wood into lumber and plywood, the most profitable one. The second scenario of highest profit refers to adding a shift to the maintenance sector of the hinterland terminal.


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How to Cite

Bilinski, P. A., Isler, C. A., & Costa, G. (2020). Modelling the operations of a hinterland container terminal to maximize the contribution margin. TRANSPORTES, 28(4), 1–19.



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