Modelagem numérica do uso do ground penetrating radar na investigação de defeitos em pavimentos flexíveis




GPR-Ground Penetrating Radar, FDTD, GPR 2D numerical simulation, Evaluation, Distresses, Flexible pavement.


Pavement distress is only identified when they reach the surface and become visible to the naked eye. The diagnosis of internal failures is made by destructive and sampling methods. The ground penetrating radar is a promising non-destructive testing (NDT) technique, used in pavement surveys since the 1970s. This work aims to show the potential of the GPR method for the investigation of pavement distress and its genesis through finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation of the GPR signal, with the gprMax numerical simulator. They were modeled in three different scenarios, in which will be represented: a pavement structure without apparent distress; a structure with subgrade rutting and a structure with a patch.  The responses obtained by modeling were compared to the results of field surveys. As a contribution of the article it can be demonstrated the importance of modeling as a tool in the training of professionals and in the planning of field services, besides facilitating the interpretation of field data.


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How to Cite

Françoso, M. T., Treiber, H. M., Marchena, I. J. P., & Farina, F. (2020). Modelagem numérica do uso do ground penetrating radar na investigação de defeitos em pavimentos flexíveis. TRANSPORTES, 28(1), 122–134.


