Caracterização da acessibilidade aos empregos percebida pelos usuários do sistema metroferroviário da região metropolitana de Fortaleza




Accessibility, Choice, Logsum, Indicator, Description.


The paradigm shift towards transport planning focused on accessibility, together with the criticism on traditional techniques for ex-ante assessment, opened up new approaches for quantifying direct and indirect impacts of alternative solutions, by the use of accessibility measures based on the concept of users’ perceived utility. In such a context, this work aims to characterize the benefits of implementing the metro system in enhancing the access conditions to jobs for the low-income population in Fortaleza’s Metropolitan Region (RMF), through the proposition of a method based on modeling travel time and on a logsum-type indicator which incorporates users’ perception of its specific problem setting. Its main methodological contribution is the use of behavioral modeling in the analytical effort of better understanding accessibility problems. Moreover, the method application allowed to spatially characterize the accessibility gains of Metrofor’s South and West lines, highlighting the main factors, according to the system’s users perception, which could explain the variation of its benefits over the RMF.


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Author Biography

Hélio Henrique Holanda de Souza, IFCE ARCE

Professor Efetivo na área de planejamento e operação de sistemas de transportes do Departamento de Construção Civil, IFCE

Analista de Regulação (setor de transportes) da ARCE

Consultor na área de Planejamento de Transportes


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How to Cite

de Souza, H. H. H., de Oliveira Neto, F. M., & Loureiro, C. F. G. (2020). Caracterização da acessibilidade aos empregos percebida pelos usuários do sistema metroferroviário da região metropolitana de Fortaleza. TRANSPORTES, 28(1), 33–49.


