Controle do fluxo principal em autoestradas por meio de veículos cooperativos equipados com controle adaptativo de cruzeiro


  • Jéssica Aquino Chaves
  • Rodrigo Castelan Carlson Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Eduardo Rauh Müller Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Werner Kraus Jr. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Mainstream Traffic Flow Control, Variable Speed Limits, Cooperative Vehicles.


Mainstream Traffic Flow Control (MTFC) on freeways is a traffic control method that aims at regulating vehicle flow upstream from a bottleneck in order to maximize the freeway throughput. Using Variable Speed Limits (VSL) as MTFC actuators, an analysis of the influence of different penetration rates of cooperative vehicles on traffic is made. Cooperative vehicles were equipped with Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and receive as a reference value the VSL of the current freeway section. Simulations with the microscopic traffic simulator AIMSUN showed that an increase in penetration rate of cooperative vehicles contributed to performance improvement. Scenarios with a penetration rate of 10% had a performance improvement of 25%. The presence of more than 50% cooperative vehicles has a positive effect on traffic conditions. However, an auxiliary control method is necessary to facilitate the merging of vehicles into the mainstream flow in bottlenecks activated by freeway on-ramps.


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How to Cite

Chaves, J. A., Carlson, R. C., Müller, E. R., & Kraus Jr., W. (2018). Controle do fluxo principal em autoestradas por meio de veículos cooperativos equipados com controle adaptativo de cruzeiro. TRANSPORTES, 26(3), 134–144.



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