Desenvolvimento de metodologia para avaliação da adesividade agregado-ligante com o uso de processamento digital de imagem


  • Jorge Luiz Oliveira Lucas Júnior 1 - Universidade Federal do Ceara 2 - Faculdade Ari de Sá
  • Jorge Barbosa Soares Universidade Federal do Ceará



Adhesiveness, Digital Image Processing, Moisture Damage.


Adhesiveness at the aggregate-binder interface of asphalt mixtures is an important property to be evaluated in order to prevent moisture damage in asphalt pavements. In Brazil, one of the standards to analyze this property is the test Coarse Aggregate: Determination of bituminous coating (NBR 12583-2017), which provides qualitative results (satisfactory or unsatisfactory). This research aims to develop a methodology using digital images processing from smartphone that allows the determination of the percentage area of the aggregate covered by the asphaltic binder. Thirty-seven images were analyzed for the calibration, and five common images of known dimensions were used for comparison with the areas obtained in the present methodology. The results indicated that it is possible to quantify the aggregate area covered by the binder along with the identification of outliers. It is shown the potential of the methodology which can be implemented in the short term, given the duration and accuracy of the procedure. This may help in the characterization and adequate selection of materials for use in the asphalt paving industry.


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How to Cite

Lucas Júnior, J. L. O., & Soares, J. B. (2019). Desenvolvimento de metodologia para avaliação da adesividade agregado-ligante com o uso de processamento digital de imagem. TRANSPORTES, 27(1), 82–95.


