Análise socioeconômica de alternativas para o transporte ferroviário de passageiros em uma rede regional


  • Cassiano Augusto Isler Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Centro Tecnológico de Joinville Departamento de Engenharias da Mobilidade
  • João Alexandre Widmer Universidade de São Paulo Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos Departamento de Engenharia de Transportes



Railway, Passenger, Mode Choice, Socioeconomic Analysis.


Despite the recent studies on the railway passenger transport in Brazil there is not a comparison among different technologies for the proposed services in the literature. This paper aims to compare the exclusive operation of trains with average speed of 150km/h (HPT) and 300 km/h (HST) over a hypothetical network in the Southeast Region of Brazil while considering a hierarchy of different railway services. The re-sults of a Cost-Benefit Analysis show that the estimated investment for construction of the HST network is 5.36% higher than the HPT network. In the economic level, none of the technology is feasible to be operated without subsidy under different scenarios. From the socioeconomic perspective, the social benefits surpass the eco-nomic costs when the fare of the HPT is R$0.40/km and the fare of the HST is R$0.75/km, exceeding the value of 1.50 for the Benefit-Cost Ratio only by the opera-tion of the HST network under specific scenarios.


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How to Cite

Isler, C. A., & Widmer, J. A. (2017). Análise socioeconômica de alternativas para o transporte ferroviário de passageiros em uma rede regional. TRANSPORTES, 25(3), 138–152.



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