Estudo da deformação permanente de britas granito-gnaisse para uso em base e sub-base de pavimentos


  • Caroline Dias Amancio de Lima Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
  • Laura Maria Goretti da Motta Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
  • Antônio Carlos Rodrigues Guimarães Instituto Militar de Engenharia - IME



Pavement Mechanics, Permanent deformation, Crushed stone, Pavement material.


Materials selection for pavement construction is very important because they influence the pavement performance. Two different materials with similar characteristics were studied for different grain size distribution curves, same for both. The granitegneiss crushed stones analyzed in this study were employed in base and sub-base of real pavements of the Rio de Janeiro city. The permanent deformation was evaluated here by results obtained from tests performed in repeated load triaxial equipment. Nine different stress stages were applied per curve, different test for each stress stage and at least 150,000 cycles of loading. The results allowed permanent deformation analysis, the shakedown occurrence, resilient modulus analysis, influence of particle size distribution, correlation of the results, and obtain new parameters of Guimarães model (2009).


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How to Cite

Lima, C. D. A. de, Motta, L. M. G. da, & Guimarães, A. C. R. (2017). Estudo da deformação permanente de britas granito-gnaisse para uso em base e sub-base de pavimentos. TRANSPORTES, 25(2), 41–52.


