Influência das condições climáticas e de acidentes na caracterização do comportamento do tráfego em rodovias




Clustering, accidents, rain, speed-flow relationship.


Meteorological and safety-related data have been integrated to several techniques aimed at characterizing the fundamental relationships of traffic flow on highways, in order to better understand traffic behavior in adverse conditions such as rain, and when incidents occurs. In this context, this paper proposes the use of clustering methods to characterize the traffic behavior in highway BR-290/RS, located in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre - RS. The clustering techniques tested, K-means and fuzzy clustering (FCM), enabled the determination of behavioral patterns influenced by variables (flow, speed, accidents and rain). Clusters related to periods with rain indicate speed drop by about 10 km/h. Clusters periods related to accident conditions indicate speeds between 10 and 35 km/h, and volumes below 1000 veic/h.


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How to Cite

Caleffi, F., Lucchesi, S. T., Anzanello, M. J., & Cybis, H. B. B. (2016). Influência das condições climáticas e de acidentes na caracterização do comportamento do tráfego em rodovias. TRANSPORTES, 24(4), 57–63.


