Evaluation of permanent deformation of asphalt rubber using multiple stress creep recovery tests and flow number tests





Asphalt rubber mixture, Permanent deformation.


This study used the Multiple Stress Creep Recovery Test (MSCR) and the Flow number test to analyze the characteristics of asphalt rubber and its use in hot mix asphalt (HMA) regarding to their ability to withstand permanent deformation. MSCR tests were done in three commercial asphalt rubber and in the traditional asphalt binder 50/70. Flow number tests were performed in twenty four specimens of asphalt rubber mixtures and eight specimens of conventional asphalt mixtures. The results of these tests showed that all the asphalt rubber samples had lower compliance values (Jnr) in the MSCR test, which denotes that these modified binders improved the rutting re-sistance of HMA. This behavior was confirmed with flow number results, since the HMA produced with asphalt rubber had always higher flow number values, when compared to the conventional asphalt mixtures. The analysis of the data showed excellent correlation between Jnr values and FN values.


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Author Biographies

Luis Miguel Gutierrez Klinsky, Grupo CCR

Centro de Pesquisas Rodoviárias, CCR NovaDutra

Vivian Silveira dos Santos Bardini, ICT UNESP

Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"

Valeria Cristina De Faria, Grupo CCR

Centro de Pesquisas Rodoviárias, CCR NovaDutra


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How to Cite

Klinsky, L. M. G., Bardini, V. S. dos S., & De Faria, V. C. (2020). Evaluation of permanent deformation of asphalt rubber using multiple stress creep recovery tests and flow number tests. Transportes, 28(2), 76–86. https://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v28i2.2110