




bicycle facility planning, use of bicycle, discrete choice models, and infrastructure cycling.


The main aim of this work is to propose a procedure to identify and quantify the factors that influence the use of bicycles and to present how these factors can be used to evaluate and plan the deployment of segregated bike lanes and/or cyclelanes in an urban area. For attaining the aim, a method was developed and consisted firstly in to obtain socioeconomic data and travel data in places equipped with segregated bike lanes and/or cyclelanes available to the population and with counts of cyclists before and after the implementation of cycling infrastructure. Then, an experiment was conducted which consisted of characterization of the socioeconomic data and urban trips and cycling infrastructure from which a discrete choice model was estimated that allowed the identification of factors that influence the use of bicycles in a Santos Metropolitan Area and was used to quantify the cycling demand on predetermined points.  The main aim of this work was obtained by the construction of scenarios before and after the implementation of cycling infrastructure and the comparison between counts of cyclists in a Santos Metropolitan Area and the estimation of cycling demand in these points using discrete choice model.


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How to Cite

de Sousa, P. B., & Kawamoto, E. (2015). . TRANSPORTES, 23(4), 79–87. https://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v23i4.928



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