Study of generation mechanisms for traffic noise on the tire/pavement interface


  • Manoel Fernando Freire Cabral Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Fernando Silva Albuquerque Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Osvaldo de Freitas Neto Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Tatiana Máximo Almeida Albuquerque Instituto Federal de Sergipe



Traffic noise, tire/pavement interface, quiet pavements.


Traffic noise is a problem that affects the society. However, they have to establish the triggers values for mini-mum standards of acoustic comfort to the people. The major factor to generate traffic noise is the tire/pavement interaction for speeds higher than 40 km/h. This work presents some evaluations of noise on the tire/pavement interface for different traffic speeds (40, 60 and 80 km/h), for several types of asphalt wearing courses applied in the State of Sergipe-Brazil (conventional asphalt mix and polymer-modified hot mix asphalt, slurry seal and double bituminous surface treatment). It was observed that the noise growth is proportional to the speed increase. The noise also varies with changing parameters such as voids, surface texture and roughness. It was proposed a prediction model to quantify the noise at the tire/pavement interaction from the speed and surface characteristics of asphalt wearing courses. The designers have now additional tools to indicate alternative pavements to critical urban roads, contributing to increase the society acoustic com-fort, knowing as quit pavements.


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How to Cite

Cabral, M. F. F., Albuquerque, F. S., Neto, O. de F., & Albuquerque, T. M. A. (2014). Study of generation mechanisms for traffic noise on the tire/pavement interface. TRANSPORTES, 22(1), 1–20.


