Contribution to the performance evaluation of reversible lanes




Reversible lanes. Performance evaluation. Performance. Traffic management.


Recurrent congestion in urban centers requires traffic managers to adopt temporary or complementary strategies, such as implementing reversible lanes. Its principle comes from the temporary expansion of road capacity by taking advantage of the underutilized capacity of the road in the opposite direction. Despite being historically associated with a simple measure (compared to definitive interventions), there are technical guidelines for its implementation process, from initial stages (planning, previous studies, and design) to later stages (monitoring and performance evaluation), that, if not adequately considered, tend to impair the operation’s benefits. On the other hand, national practice tends to rely on empirical knowledge and personal decisions. Considering the growing popularity of the technique in the country, the evaluation becomes essential not only in terms of measuring the benefits obtained in existing operations but also as a result of benchmarking in new operations. Thus, this research aims to contribute to the practice of reversible lanes, identifying, through a systematic literature review, the primary key information (approaches, indicators, data collection, and methods) used in reversible lane performance evaluation studies. Such information subsidized the development of flowcharts to guide the evaluation process in existing operations.


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How to Cite

Gomes Furtado, I., & Debatin Neto, A. . (2024). Contribution to the performance evaluation of reversible lanes. TRANSPORTES, 32(3), e2919.


