Considerations On The Analysis Of Permanent Deformation In The New Brazilian Asphalt Pavement Design Method


  • Paloma Morais de Souza University of São Paulo, São Paulo – Brazil
  • Fernanda Ligia dos Santos de Oliveira University of São Paulo, São Paulo – Brazil
  • Marcus Vinícius Paula de Lima University of São Paulo, São Paulo – Brazil
  • José Leomar Fernandes Júnior University of São Paulo, São Paulo – Brazil



Permanent deformation, Pavement design, MeDiNa, Flow Number


The motivation for this study comes from the technical-scientific advance, which has increased the theoretical bases of the design of pavements over time and, mainly, because the new Brazilian pavement design method (MeDiNa) proposes the use of the Flow Number from uniaxial repeated load test to verify mechanical properties of the asphalt mixture as sufficient to eliminate other tests related to permanent deformation of the asphalt layer. This paper is a literature review with a collection of studies about the design of asphalt mixtures, results of large-scale paving tests, and the evolution of pavement design methods, regarding the understanding of permanent deformation in the asphalt layer. The information collected indicates that the Flow Number is a good (“it is necessary”) parameter for evaluating the behavior of an asphalt mixture regarding permanent deformation, but, for a better evaluation in MeDiNa, it is necessary to carry out other tests (“it is not sufficient”), including large-scale and long-term evaluation tests.


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How to Cite

Morais de Souza, P. ., dos Santos de Oliveira, F. L. ., Paula de Lima, M. V. ., & Fernandes Júnior, J. L. . (2022). Considerations On The Analysis Of Permanent Deformation In The New Brazilian Asphalt Pavement Design Method. TRANSPORTES, 30(2), 2715.


