Evaluation of measurement uncertainty in permanent deformation tests of lateritic soils
Statistical analysis, Tropical soils, Mechanical behaviorAbstract
During a process of laboratory analysis of soils, several variables may influence the determination of the aimed parameter. Inherently, each of the variables has associated uncertainties, which may be related to factors such as calibration, data reading, malpractice and so on. This article aims to determine the uncertainty of measurements of permanent deformations in lateritic soils used for pavement purpose. Experimental data were obtained from a repeated load triaxial test on clayey lateritic sand in Mimoso do Sul, state of Espírito Santo. The methodology includes the uncertainties associated with the confining pressure ( , the deviator stress ( ) and the number of cycles, generally informed by a calibration certificate. The samples were divided into two groups, differentiated only by the value of applied. The results of the test were expressed by coverage intervals, which consider expanded uncertainties, with a coverage probability of 95%; comparing the results, the biggest contribution to the combined uncertainty is the confining stress. It was observed that the measurement uncertainties present values with practical significance, which allows the use in pavements, and that their determinations guarantee the quality of the results, because every measurement has an error associated with it, and without a quantitative determination, the measurement has no value.
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