Verification of the IRI and BBI relationship in airport pavement roughness evaluation




Roughness, Airport, International Roughness Index (IRI), Boeing Bump Index (BBI)


Roughness on runways is often monitored through the International Roughness Index (IRI), developed for highway evaluation. In order to better address the particularities of airport pavements, a specific method for runways, the Boeing Bump Index (BBI), was developed. This study aims to verify the relationship between IRI and BBI, based on the parameters of average and critical value, obtained by ProFAA software, comparing
different approaches. In this paper, it was found that the highest correlations were
observed between the critical IRI and BBI. In addition, this correlation was greater in the analysis of the first third of the runway, with 58% of the runways presenting an R² higher than 0.70. Therefore, based on the analyzed dataset, it was verified that there is a significant correlation between the IRI and the BBI only when associated with the critical values.


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How to Cite

da Silva Sousa, E. ., de Sousa Carneiro, R. ., & Lacerda de Oliveira, F. H. . (2022). Verification of the IRI and BBI relationship in airport pavement roughness evaluation. TRANSPORTES, 30(1), 2590.


