Análise de deformações específicas de tração na fibra inferior de revestimento asfáltico através de instrumentação e métodos numéricos


  • Nielson Tôrres Neves de Carvalho Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Fernando Silva Albuquerque Universidade Federal de Sergipe



Instrumentation, Numerical models, Tensile strain.


Numerical analyzes of stress, strains and displacements resulting from vehicle traffic for pavement designs is usual, but may lead inaccuracies, causing oversizing or undersizing of pavement layers. On the other hand, the measurement of data by instrumentation on the pavement tends to provide greater accuracy. Among the main mechanical responses, the critical tensile strain on the bottom of the asphalt layers is related to the fatigue process. In this work, it was carried out a measurement of the tensile strain by the H-Gage sensor, comparing to the numerical analyzes by modeling the elastic multilayers and finite element methods. Both numerical models presented very different estimates of the wearing course measurements, where the greater difference was in the fatigue life predictions. The elastic multilayers method tended to estimate shorter fatigue life, while the proposed finite element model tended to estimate longer fatigue life, as the friction between layers was reduced.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, N. T. N. de, & Albuquerque, F. S. (2019). Análise de deformações específicas de tração na fibra inferior de revestimento asfáltico através de instrumentação e métodos numéricos. TRANSPORTES, 27(2), 56–72.


