Metodologia para planejamento de um de sistema cicloviário


  • Vania Barcellos Gouvêa CAMPOS IME
  • Pablo de Barros Cardoso



Bike lanes, indicators, evaluation.


This paper presents a methodology for planning a bikeway system, for supporting the municipality in the imple-mentation of these systems in order to promote the use of bicycles, especially, as an alternative way of daily transport to work and to study. The proposed methodology set out analyzing parameters that are used in methods for assessing cycle lanes. After this review, a survey was conducted to the cyclists in order to identify their usual routes and which the most important parameters in choosing a route from its origin to its destination in daily commute. Therefore, the association of these two researches gave the support to define indicators for assessing road segments for the calculation of an index defined as Index of Adequacy of the Segment for travelling by bicycle. This index allows defining which segments of a road network are suited to be part of a bikeway system.


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Author Biography

Vania Barcellos Gouvêa CAMPOS, IME

professora associada, do progrma de engenharia de transporte do IME


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How to Cite

CAMPOS, V. B. G., & Cardoso, P. de B. (2016). Metodologia para planejamento de um de sistema cicloviário. TRANSPORTES, 24(4), 39–48.


