Probabilistic modelling of drivers response time in signalized intersections using VISSIM


  • Diego Barbosa Fontes Federal University of Ceará, Ceará – Brazil
  • Alessandro Macêdo de Araújo Federal University of Ceará, Ceará – Brazil
  • Manoel Mendonça de Castro Neto Federal University of Ceará, Ceará – Brazil



Reaction time, Microsimulation, Vehicle delay, Intersection capacity


The main objective of this work is to implement, in the microscopic simulator VISSIM, a probabilistic model for the driver response time in signalized intersections, and to evaluate the effects of this model on traffic performance. Based on data from a signalized intersection located in Fortaleza, statistical analyses of the response time were conducted by vehicle position in the queue, traffic lane, vehicle type and movement type. Theses analyses led to the modeling of the response time by a probability distribution, log-normal, which was implemented in VISSIM by an external algorithm programmed in Python. To assess the importance of this implementation, the results of delay, queue size and capacity were compared with the results of the simulations performed by the default modeling of VISSIM. The simulations conducted with the probabilistic response time model resulted in higher delays and queue lengths, and in lower capacities than those obtained by the default modeling of the software.


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How to Cite

Barbosa Fontes, D. ., Macêdo de Araújo, A. ., & Mendonça de Castro Neto, M. . (2022). Probabilistic modelling of drivers response time in signalized intersections using VISSIM. TRANSPORTES, 30(1), 2501.


