Analysis of the applicability of a Universal Classification System for lateritic soils used in pavement layers




Tropical soils, Classification, Highways, Resilient behavior


The development of a new classification procedure for lateritic soils, which takes into account their mineralogical and physical properties and, in addition, the appropriate conceptions of the humid tropical environment, will make it possible to predict their uses in road layers with a higher percentage. The research in question evaluates the potential use of the Universal Classification Methodology of Lateritic Soils for the construction of road structures. The methodological procedure comprised a test program for the classification and evaluation of the resilient behavior of soils. Based on the resilient behavior and on the considerations on the adopted permanent deformation properties, the mechanistic-empirical analysis indicated good behavior of the analyzed soils when used in base layers in lower traffic. However, even with good conditions, the soils could need stabilization, whether granulometric with the addition of granular soil, and/or chemical with the incorporation of lime or cement, mainly in an attempt to combat shrinkage.


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Author Biographies

Henrique Antônio Oliveira Araújo, Federal University of Campina Grande, Paraíba – Brazil

Master's student in Geotechnics at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) with completion scheduled for February 2022. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Brasília (2019) with a monograph entitled "Stability assessment of tailings dam deactivation structures". During graduation, she participated in the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships (PIBIC) with the theme "Road-environmental elements necessary for the circulation of autonomous vehicles". Egress member of the Research Group on Road Safety at the University of Brasília. While still at the undergraduate level, he worked as an intern at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and at the National Rural Learning Service (SENAR). Specialization completed in the area of reinforced concrete structures in March 2021.

John Kennedy Guedes Rodrigues, Federal University of Campina Grande, Paraíba – Brazil

Full Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), CNPq Productivity Scholar, has a Post-Doctorate at the Laboratoire Central des Pontes et Chaussées - LCPC (Division of Geotechnics, Paris et Nantes, France - 2009/2010 ) where he served as Invité Professor at the LCPC, currently Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux - IFSTTAR (August 2009 to July 2010), he has a PhD in Transport Engineering from the University of São Paulo ( 1998), Master's in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Paraíba (PPGECA/UFPB/1992 - Geotechnics Concentration Area) and Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Paraíba (Civil Engineer, Campina Grande/UFPB/1988). He is currently Director of the CTRN/UFCG Technology and Resources Center (Second Term: 2018/2021 - CTRN/UFCG), is a Consultant and Effective Member of the Ernesto Luiz de Queiroz Junior Technical Association (ATECEL), is Head of the Pavement Engineering Laboratory (LEP/DEC/UFCG), is Coordinator, at UFCG level, of Petrobras' Brazilian Thematic Network (Asphalt). He was Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering between 2005 and 2009 (PPGECA / UFCG), and Administrative Coordinator of the Civil Engineering Department (2013 -2014). He guides Dissertations and Theses in the Graduate Programs in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Process Engineering at UFCG. He coordinates Projects with Scientific Cooperation Terms signed between UFCG DNIT / PE; DNIT/PB and the Companies: PETROBRAS, PRANA QUIMIGEL, Coordinates partnerships between LEP/DEC/UFCG and the Companies: JBR Engenharia, Installe, Maia Melo Engenharia. He has experience in the Civil Engineering Area, with an emphasis on Highways; Design and Construction, working mainly in the following Research Lines: Studies of Tropical Soils, Pavement Management, Highways and Airports Infrastructure, Study of Physical and Mechanical Behavior of Binders and Asphalt Mixtures, Mechanics of Pavements and Use of Solid Waste in paving.


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How to Cite

Araújo e Farias, M. L. ., Oliveira Araújo, H. A. ., & Guedes Rodrigues, J. K. . (2023). Analysis of the applicability of a Universal Classification System for lateritic soils used in pavement layers. TRANSPORTES, 31(1), 2750.


